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€ 133,00
EAN-13: 9789004685888
Oort Johannes
Augustine's Confessions: Ten Studies
Edizione:Brill, 2024
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 133,00
DescrizioneNew readings and interpretations of many of the most essential passages in Augustine's Confessions, mainly based on new discoveries of Gnostic-Manichaean texts.

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€ 121,00
EAN-13: 9789004687455
Walker Becky
Almsgiving as the Essential Virtue A Study of the Homilies of John Chrysostom
Edizione:Brill, 2024
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 121,00
DescrizioneThis book demonstrates the unique and far-reaching claims John Chrysostom made concerning almsgiving's many benefits, including its ability to forgive any and all sin. The author also identifies several factors that led John to favor almsgiving over other ascetic practices.

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€ 149,00
EAN-13: 9789004691193
Hanstein Sebastian
Werbung für das Christentum und Häresiographie Die ‚Peraten' und die redaktionelle Gestaltung der Refutatio omnium haeresium des sog. ‚Hippolyt von Rom'
Edizione:Brill, 2024
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 149,00
DescrizioneThe study approaches the Refutatio omnium haeresium by "Hippolytus of Rome" from a completely new perspective. It offers a detailed analysis of the genre of the writing, which is identified as a protreptikos, a promotional writing for Christianity. This is followed by an extensive study of the so-called Peratics, which combines structural analysis and thorough examination of content. Die Studie nà¤hrt sich der Refutatio omnium haeresium „Hippolyts von Rom“ von gà¤nzlich neuer Perspektive an. Sie bietet eine detaillierte Analyse der Gattung der Schrift, die als Werbeschrift fà¼r das Christentum identifiziert wird. Eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der sog. Peraten, die Strukturanalyse und grà¼ndliche inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung verbindet, schlieàŸt sich an.

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€ 185,00
EAN-13: 9789004526464
Roig Lanzillotta Lautaro
The Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) in Sahidic Coptic Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary
Edizione:Brill, 2023
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 185,00
DescrizioneThe apocryphal Apocalypse of Paul plunges us right into the heart of early-Christian conceptions of heaven and hell. This book presents the previously hardly accessible Coptic version and argues that it is the best available witness of the ancient text.

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€ 120,00
EAN-13: 9789004677623
Simons Jonatán
Divine Simplicity in the Theology of Irenaeus
Edizione:Brill, 2023
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 120,00
DescrizioneThis book examines Irenaeus' account of divine simplicity in the second century, the first extant Christian writer to explain his use of this philosophical concept which became so central to later Christian thought.

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€ 127,00
EAN-13: 9789004680258
Hartung Blake
Imagining the Death of Jesus in Fourth-Century Mesopotamia A Study of Ephrem of Nisibis
Edizione:Brill, 2023
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 127,00
DescrizioneIn this volume Blake Hartung explores the place of the passion and death of Jesus in the writings of Ephrem of Nisibis, arguing that this central Christian drama informed not only Ephrem's ideas of the atonement, but his entire wide-ranging theological imagination.

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€ 128,00
EAN-13: 9789004527546
Fiori Emiliano
Florilegia Syriaca: Mapping a Knowledge-Organizing Practice in the Syriac World
Edizione:Brill, 2023
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 128,00
DescrizioneAlthough they have hardly even been studied, patristic florilegia were vital for Syriac culture. This volume rediscovers them as laboratories where the selection of old sources produced new knowledge for the changing needs of their readers across time and space.

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€ 140,00
EAN-13: 9789004469228
Pomeroy Samuel
Chrysostom as Exegete Scholarly Traditions and Rhetorical Aims in the Homilies on Genesis
Edizione:Brill, 2022
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 140,00
DescrizioneThis systematic study of Chrysostom's Homilies on Genesis demonstrates the wide-ranging sources and techniques that undergird his exegesis, shedding new light on networks of Biblical learning in Late Antiquity. It shows the relationship between exegetical traditions and ethical evaluation in specific homiletic discourses, highlighting the importance of name and word meanings for Chrysostom.

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€ 142,00
EAN-13: 9789004472464
Zaganas Dimitrios
L’Hexaemeron d’Anastase le Sinaïte Son authenticité, ses sources et son exégèse allégorisante
Edizione:Brill, 2022
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 142,00
DescrizioneIn this first monograph on the Hexaemeron of Anastasius of Sinai Dimitrios Zaganas firmly establishes its authenticity, investigates its genesis and date, offers detailed analysis of its sources, and studies its allegorical exegesis of Gen. 1-3.Dans cet ouvrage, le premier consacré à  l'Hexaemeron d'Anastase le Sinaà¯te, Dimitrios Zaganas établit fermement son authenticité, examine sa genése et sa datation, propose une analyse détaillée de ses sources et étudie son exégése allégorique de Gen. 1-3.

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€ 201,00
EAN-13: 9789004471962
Runia David
Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 2007-2016 With addenda for items earlier than 2006
Edizione:Brill, 2022
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 201,00
DescrizioneThis volume, prepared in collaboration with the International Philo Bibliography Project, is the fourth in a series of annotated bibliographies on the Jewish exegete and philosopher Philo of Alexandria. It contains an annotated listing of all scholarly writings on Philo for the period 2007 to 2016.

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€ 133,00
EAN-13: 9789004516557
Waers Stephen
Monarchianism and Origen’s Early Trinitarian Theology
Edizione:Brill, 2022
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 133,00
DescrizioneThis book presents a cogent account of monarchianism, a core context for the development of trinitarian theology at the beginning of the third century, before situating Origen's early trinitarian theology as formulated in response to monarchianism.

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€ 197,00
EAN-13: 9789004505353
Karuhije Léon-Ferdinand
La Cité du Logos: L’ecclésiologie de Clément d’Alexandrie et son enracinement christologique
Edizione:Brill, 2022
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 197,00
DescrizioneCet ouvrage met en lumiére la richesse du discours ecclésiologique de Clément d'Alexandrie (150-215 Ap. J.-C.) ainsi que sa perception de l'identité chrétienne à  une époque où celle-ci est encore en construction.This work highlights the richness of the ecclesiological discourse of Clement of Alexandria (150-215 AD) as well as his perception of Christian identity at a time when it is still under construction.

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€ 180,00
EAN-13: 9789004510500
Müller Veronika
Julian von Aeclanum – Ad Florum liber primus Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar
Edizione:Brill, 2022
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 180,00
DescrizioneThis publication is dedicated to the first book of Julian of Aeclanum's Ad Florum, which is both quoted and commented by Augustine. For the first time, the Latin text is presented in its own edition with German translation and commentary. Die vorliegende Publikation widmet sich dem ersten Buch des Werks Ad Florum Julians von Aeclanum, das durch Augustinus ausfà¼hrlich zitiert und kommentiert wurde. Erstmals wird der lateinische Text in einer eigenen Textausgabe mit deutscher àœbersetzung und mit einem Kommentar prà¤sentiert.

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€ 200,00
EAN-13: 9789004522039
Berglund Carl
Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity Essays in Honour of Anders Ekenberg’s 75th Birthday
Edizione:Brill, 2022
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 200,00
DescrizioneThis volume sheds new light on an array of late ancient Christian liturgical sources, practices, and traditions emerges from these multidisciplinary studies on the interplay of New Testament writings, ancient music, liturgical spaces, biblical interpretation, and reception history

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€ 166,00
EAN-13: 9789004422278
Hupsch Piet Hein
The Glory of the Spirit in Gregory of Nyssa’s Adversus Macedonianos Commentary and Systematic-Theological Synthesis
Edizione:Brill, 2021
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 166,00
DescrizioneIn his commentary on Gregory of Nyssa's Adversus Macedonianos, Piet Hein Hupsch spells out its theological structure and corresponding rhetorical arrangement. His systematic-theological synthesis explicates the Spirit's role in the Trinity's work of salvation. Gregory's theology culminates in praise of the Trinity.

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€ 151,00
EAN-13: 9789004440975
Geljon Albert
Rituals in Early Christianity New Perspectives on Tradition and Transformation
Edizione:Brill, 2021
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 151,00
DescrizioneInformed by the paradigmatic shift in ritual and liturgical studies, this volume offers analyses of key ritual traditions in early Christianity. The case studies focus on the dynamic formation and transformation of rituals in the context of Greco-Roman religion, Judaism, and Islam.

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€ 149,00
EAN-13: 9789004465152
Lee Chungman
Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, and the Filioque
Edizione:Brill, 2021
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 149,00
DescrizioneIn this volume, Chungman Lee offers a concise yet thorough evaluation of the contemporary discussion on the filioque and examines the trinitarian theologies of Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine of Hippo.

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€ 200,00
EAN-13: 9789004463004
Cassin Matthieu
Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Our Father. An English Translation with Commentary and Supporting Studies Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Paris, 4-7 September 2018)
Edizione:Brill, 2021
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 200,00
DescrizioneGregory of Nyssa's Homilies on the Our Father, edited by Matthieu Cassin, Héléne Grelier-Deneux and Franà§oise Vinel, offers an English translation, the edition of a 15th century Latin translation and twenty-seven studies on this major text of the 4th century.

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€ 150,00
EAN-13: 9789004465954
Costache Doru
Humankind and the Cosmos: Early Christian Representations
Edizione:Brill, 2021
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 150,00
DescrizioneIn this volume Costache traces the progress of early Christians from fearing the world to embracing it through personal transformation, natural contemplation, and multidisciplinary perspectives.

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€ 121,00
EAN-13: 9789004446687
Glowasky Michael
Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation
Edizione:Brill, 2021
Collana:Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 121,00
DescrizioneIn Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine's Homiletic Strategy, Michael Glowasky offers an account of how Augustine's pastoral concerns shape the rhetorical strategy in his Sermones ad populum.

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